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Cyber Resilience Act, SBOMs and CPAN
PTS 2024
Salve J. Nilsen
- Presentation from 2023 is still mostly correct (80-90%), and many of the concerns and worries laid out there are still relevant
Oh Noes!
- There are substantial changes to the landscape
- Let’s play scouts on a fact-finding mission
- Looking for facts, references, questions
- Otherwise – state our confidence (0-100%)
Inspiration from Julia Galef’s “The Scout Mindset” book (2021)
(Obligatory IANALawyer)
EU Cyber Resilience Act
- Law was approved by the EU Parliament March 12th 2024
- Final translations/fixes ongoing
- Law is adopted when EU Council gives final approval
- Three year implementation period
- CRA expexted to take effect in Q2 2027
> * Parliament resolution [T9-0130/2024](
Approved 6 weeks ago
Law is expected to be approved by the Council in April 2024!
CRA Applies to…
> * Product with Digital Elements: [Article 3 (1), (4), (6), (7)](
> * Placing on the market: [Article 3 (21)](
Devices, components, routers, toys, etc. Anything which has software may be affected!
CRA does not apply to…
- Software that is part of a service (Recital 12)
- Though NIS2 applies if the services is considered critical infrastructure (70%)
Five “Roles”
- Manufacturer
- Distributor
- Importer
- Open-Source Software Steward
- Open-Source Developers
Five “Roles”
- Manufacturer 🔍
- Distributor
- Importer
- Open-Source Software Steward
- Open-Source Developers
- A natural or legal person who
- develops or manufactures products with digital elements
- or has products with digital elements designed, developed or manufactured,
- and markets them under its name or trademark,
- whether for payment, monetisation or free of charge
> * [Article 3 (12), (13)](

> * Automating this (on MetaCPAN) may be an awesome way to help the sustainability of FOSS projects! (50%)
Obligations of Manufacturers – Support period
- Determine the product support period.
- Default is 5 years, but should reflect expected use time. (Article 13.8)
- Support period can also set by authorities if deemed inadequate, or for certain categories.
- Security fixes must remain available for 10 years after publishing (Article 13.9)
> * Period length may be different per product (40%)
> May require confirmation (60%)
Obligations of Manufacturers — Unique ID
- Create a unique identification of their product (Annex II.3)
> PackageURL can solve this! (85%)
Obligations of Manufacturers – Build & Dependencies
> Match Unique ID to vulnerability databases (90%)
Obligations of Manufacturers – Produce SBOMs
> * Requires ways to refer to both embedded and cross-ecosystem dependencies (95%)
> * Transitive dependencies are implied to be produced (70%)
Obligations of Manufacturers – No Vulnerabilities
> * Implies they have a complete picture of dependencies (95%)
> * Though the minimum is "top level dependencies" ([Annex I, Part II, (1)]())
Obligations of Manufacturers – Offer timely security updates
Obligations of Manufacturers – Early warning system
- Take part in the EU early warning notification regime (Article 13.6; Article 14.1)
- Submit early warning within 24h after exploit discovery (Article 14.2 (a))
- Submit vulnerability notification within 72h, incl. corrective measures (Article 14.2 (b))
- Submit a final report no later than 14 days after discovery (Article 14.2 (c))
- Incident reports must be submitted to a common EU reporting platform
Five “Roles”
- Manufacturer ✅
- Distributor
- Importer
- Open-Source Software Steward
- Open-Source Developers
Five “Roles”
- Manufacturer ✅
- Distributor ❌
- Importer
- Open-Source Software Steward
- Open-Source Developers
Five “Roles”
- Manufacturer ✅
- Distributor ❌
- Importer ❌
- Open-Source Software Steward
- Open-Source Developers
Five “Roles”
- Manufacturer ✅
- Distributor ❌
- Importer ❌
- Open-Source Software Steward 🔍
- Open-Source Developers
Open Source Steward
- A legal person, but not natural person, who…
- must be a non-profit (Recital 15)
- provides support for OSS projects that are intended for commercial activities (Recital 18)
- may provide voluntary security attestation (Recital 21)
- Must create cybersecurity policy and documentation for it’s community, that fosters…
- Development of secure products (Article 24.1)
- Effective handling and information sharing around vulnerabilities (Article 24.1)
- Voluntary vulnerability reporting (Article 15)
Obligations of Open Source Stewards – Cooperation
- Must cooperate with market surveillance authorities in… (Article 24.2)
- Mitigating risks
- Provide above documentation upon request
- Notify of exploited vulnerability discoveries (Article 14.1)
- Informing users of the impact of active exploited vulnerabilities or severe incidents (Article 14.8)
> * Here, Stewards "add value" for Manufacturers by offloading some of the due diligence tasks. This is valuable!
Obligations of Open Source Stewards – Security Attestation
- 😍 Facilitate Manufacturer’s due diligence as laid out in Article 13.5 (Article 25)
- EU Commision is tasked to set up a security attestation programme to facilitate this (Recital 21)
> * Stewards "add value" for Manufacturers by providing a Security Attestation via. This is valuable!
Five “Roles”
- Manufacturer ✅
- Distributor ❌
- Importer ❌
- Open-Source Software Steward ✅
- Open-Source Developers
Five “Roles”
- Manufacturer ✅
- Distributor ❌
- Importer ❌
- Open-Source Software Steward ✅
- Open-Source Developers 🔍
Open Source Developers
- CRA doesn’t really talk about Open Source Developers
Obligations to Open Source Developers – Status Quo
- CRA does not apply to Developers if…
- they contribute code to projects they are not responsible for (Recital (18))
- they are not monetising their product (Recital (18))
- their product is not ultimately intended for commercial activities (Recital (19))
Obligations to Open Source Developers – With a FOSS Steward
- CRA applies voluntarily if the Developer decides…
- their product is ultimately intended for commercial activities (Recital (19))
A Open Source Software Steward to assist them in improving their product’s security posture.
Five “Roles”
- Manufacturer ✅
- Distributor ❌
- Importer ❌
- Open-Source Software Steward ✅
- Open-Source Developers ✅
Now what?
Now what?
- We can help our users comply with EU Law!
- Update CPAN::Meta::Spec
- Add CRA compliance fields
- Add project sustainability fields
- Who would like to make this happen? ✋
- Support Software Bill of Materials in the toolchain
- PackageURL for helping with out-of-ecosystem dependencies and requirements
- SBOM-aware PAUSE
- SBOM discovery API on MetaCPAN
- Who would like to make this work? ✋
- Create an overview of roles, metadata, responsibilities and terminology
- Who needs the metadata required by CRA?
- Where does it come from?
- LOTS done!
- See
CPANSec’s supply-chain SBOM overview
Let’s take a look!
Further work in CPANSec
- Let’s coordinate on #cpan-security on! 😍
Salve J. Nilsen