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- A short introduction to NIS2 and CRA
- Current concerns
- Ramifications
- Suggested actions
What is NIS2?
Network and Information Security Directive II 2022/2555
Directive on measures for a high common level of cybersecurity across the Union
- Directive – applies to EU member states; requires transposing into national law
- Increase cybersecurity in general, across EU
- Adopted on Nov 28, 2022
- Must be implemented in national laws by Oct 17, 2024
- Applies to many businesses (more later)
- Many new & sensible security demands (security professionals are positive)
Claim: Does NOT apply directly to Open Source projects
Response: Meaningless claim – indirect consequences (more later)
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NIS2 – What are the liabilities?
- Fines up to € 10,000,000 or 2% of global revenue – whatever is higher
- Management liability (fines, jail)
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NIS2 – Who does it apply to?
Essential and important entities (Annex II)
- …All Large and medium-sized companies in EU/EEA
- …All Essential and important entities, no matter size
- …Businesses not based, but offer services within EU
(est. 40,000 businesses in Germany alone)
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NIS2 – What is demanded?
- …All-hazards approach to risk assessment of all relevant IT systems and components
- …Common policies on risk analysis, incident handling, crisis management & more
- …Common practices for Business continuity, Supply-chain security, cryptography, access control policies, multi-factor auth, etc.
- …Defined procedures for vulnerability handling, disclosure, incident notification, etc.
- …Define basic cyber hygiene practices (e.g. secure by default)
- …and more!
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NIS2 – Supervision and audits?
- Essential entities should expect surprise audits (ex ante com
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NIS2 – Sectors covered by the directive
Networks & communication | Energy |
Banking & Financial | Water supply |
Healthcare | Pharmaceuticals |
Waste management | Postal |
Space | Chemicals |
Digital services, social media | Food |
Public administration | & More… |
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NIS2 – References & Links
- EU Publication office’s Summary of Directive (EU) 2022/2555
- NIS2 Directive (EU) 2022/2555 full text
- Article: EU directive NIS2: Open source is the key to success
- High-level overview of affected sectors
- Deloitte analysis of NIS2 focus areas
What is CRA?
- Cyber Resiliency Act
- Regulation – applies directly to EU/EEA members
- About to be adopted, as of 2023-04
- Additional security requirements to hardware and software products and components (“digital elements”)
- A “CE marking” of physical products, including it’s software and it’s Open Source dependencies
- Distinguishes between “critical products” (Class I) and “products” (Class II) – (Ref: CRA Annex III)
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CRA – Applies to…
Class I | Class II |
Identity management systems | Operating systems |
Network management systems | PKI infrastructure |
Network monitoring | Firewalls, IDS |
Update/patch management | & Much more! |
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CRA – Liability
- Maximum fines of €15,000,000
- …or 2.5% of annual turnover
- …whichever is highest of the two.
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CRA – Requirements
- Any devices (hardware and software) must handle essential cybersecurity requirements
- Unclear what these are at the moment – TBD
- May include update- and notification components, supply-chain security
- If law applies, it requires business to do risk analysis self-assessment, according to published guidelines
- Law requires both risk assessment and documentation to show compliance
- Failing to do this risks Significant Fines.
- Open Source Software may or may not be part of this assessment
- Risk-averse businesses are likely to assess their OSS dependencies anyway!
Est. 92-98% of applications use OSS in their stack (sources differ)
Approx. 21% of security incidents are supply-chain attacks.
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CRA – Current concerns
- Directive feedback periods are finished (Jan ‘23)
- Very few actual open source communities offered feedback
- Still some confusion on demarcation between “commercial” and “open source”
Assuming any direct ramifications are resolved.
Our main problems are likely to be with the INDIRECT ramifications.
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CRA – Community ramifications 1/3
Multiples of 10,000’s (!!) of businesses will take a hard look at their Open Source dependencies
Each will find they depend on 100’s or 1000’s of individual Open Source projects.
Each project is likely to be judged on responsiveness, sustainability, security risks and more.
Their meta-communities will be judged on Supply chain maturity and security, incident response procedures, tooling and infrastructure, and more.
Security issues are likely to become very visible, quickly showing which communities are high-risk.
Auditors and compliance officers are likely to function as demand-leaders for new requirements
Insurance companies will make decisions based on what they learn as they explore the new security and liability landscape
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CRA – Community ramifications 2/3
- On a technical side – increased demand for…
- Tooling and support for dependency management (SBOM)
- Tooling and support for risk and security assessment
- Tooling for supporting documentation and risk assessment
- On a training & documentation side – increased demand for…
- Clarity around project sustainability, decision-making and contribution methods
- Clarity around governance, adoption and forking
- Clear guides on how to identify responsible parties, if any
- Updated FAQ’s, HOWTO’s and README’s
- On a community & licensing side – increased demand for…
- Clear guides on how to interact constructively with individual projects – ”How to be a good Open Source citizen”
- Clarity around liability regarding different licenses and their consequences
- Clarity around governance and conflict resolution mechanisms
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CRA – Meta-community ramifications 3/3
“Community of communities”, e.g. “The Raku community”
- This is likely to require extensive capacity-building
- Start fundraising. This will cost money no matter what we do.
- Identify long-running tasks that demand funded work/no-one is willing to do volunteer for
- Explore alternatives for funding meta-community work like above, and/or developer work that is relevant for stakeholders.
- Establish recommended developer funding channels (e.g.
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CRA – Links and resources
- The Articles of the Cyber Resilience Act (complete law text)
- Bert Huber’s excellent overview, Part I, Part II
- EU source:
- NLNet Labs excellent overview:
- Eclipe Foundation’s statement:
Possible consequences
What can we predict is likely to happen?
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Business ramifications
- NIS2/CRA compliance is a major upcoming cost center (some est. 21% increase in development cost).
- Cost savings are likely to be a major focus
- “What existing tooling can we use?”
- Ways to reduce the cost of managing large dependency trees
- Option 1: Use existing community infrastructure that helps them manage and improve the risk landscape
- Option 2: Roll your own // in-house forks
- Option 3: Reduce the number of communities to interact with
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Community ramifications
- Increased focus on security is likely to reveal more bugs and a greater pressure on volunteers
- Community inaction may lead to active disengagement from users
- Perceived lack of professionalism may lead to reputation hits
- Lack of transparency around these processes will reduce trust in community and it’s capabilities to manage the new reality
- If businesses choose to re-implement their stack, they may choose software ecosystems that offer superior security tooling, responsiveness, etc.
What can we do about this?
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Remedy 1/5 – fact-finding
- Set up a project with the task to research, enumerate and report on ongoing and current issues with software, infrastructure, policy, and governance that must be addressed by the Perl/Raku/CPAN community members, TPRF or other (possibly funded) dedicated organizations.
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Remedy 2/5 – funding
Create avenues for support & funding, to offset existing risk of harassment, reduce likelihood of parallel work (waste). This includes offering well-published options for businesses who wish to fund cross-community efforts like this.
Create avenues for experts to receive funding for solving tasks related to identified issues.
Set up statistics gathering so we can get some real data on how many/who contacts TPRF, so this can be used as leads for further fund-raising.
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Remedy 3/5 – guides
Establish, publish and manage clear and authoritative guides on how to stay informed on incidents, practice responsible disclosure, and other common security-related issues and tasks.
Offer guides, best practices and check-lists on how to set up and manage a well-run Perl/Raku/CPAN application software life-cycle.
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Remedy 4/5 – liaisons
- Set up and fund a dedicated security auditor & OSPO community liaison, that also can help resolve ongoing issues businesses may have.
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Remedy 5/5 – culture
- Lead, execute and promote efforts to establish and maintain a long-term healthy culture for security culture within our communities.
- Establish a yearly security summit, based on the model of PTS and similar events.
- Set up a Perl/Raku CVE Numbering Authority, like many other large projects have done.
Links and resources
Thank you!
Salve J. Nilsen (Oslo Perl Mongers)
Mastodon: @sjn\
Twitter: @sjoshuan