comment: # (…or by running the Makefile with “make”) comment: # (mdslides can be installed from

comment: # (width: “1440”) comment: # (height: “810”) comment: # (help: true) comment: # (progress: true) comment: # (controlsBackArrows: “true”)

Where in the OSS Supply Chain
do SBOM attributes come from?


Salve J. Nilsen

🐘 Mastodon — @sjn\


comment: # (     data-auto-animate)

Where in the OSS Supply Chain
does SBOM metadata come from?


Salve J. Nilsen

🐘 Mastodon — @sjn\


Why even ask this question?

“Where does the metadata come from?”


comment: # (     data-auto-animate)

Why even ask this question?

“Where does the metadata come from?”

> Supplying incorrect, incomplete or misleading information may be fined up to 5M EUR or 1% of global turnover
> — Cyber Resilience Act, [Article 64(4)],
e.g. w.r.t. metadata described in [Annex II],
as required in [Article 13(18)]
comment: # (     data-auto-animate)

Why even ask this question?

“Where does the metadata come from?”

> Supplying **incorrect**, **incomplete** or **misleading** information may be fined up to 5M EUR or 1% of global turnover
> — Cyber Resilience Act, [Article 64(4)],
w.r.t. metadata described in [Annex II],
as required in [Article 13(18)]
comment: # (     data-auto-animate)

(I am not a lawyer)

comment: # (     data-auto-animate)

(I am not a ~lawyer~)

  • (Also, I am not an “authority”)
comment: # (     data-auto-animate)

(I am not a ~lawyer~)

  • (Also, I am not an ~”authority”~)
  • I’m a volunteer
comment: # (     data-auto-animate)

(I am not a ~lawyer~)

  • (Also, I am not an ~”authority”~)
  • I’m a volunteer

⚠️ DRAFT ⚠️

This is a work in progress

comment: # (     data-auto-animate)

⚠️ DRAFT ⚠️

This is a work in progress

Contributions appreciated!

![Supply chain](media/metadata-sources.png)

Supply-chain Metadata

«Ecosystem perspective»

  • Actions
  • Actors
  • Attributes
  • Metadata
comment: # (     data-auto-animate)
![Supply chain](media/metadata-sources.png)

Supply-chain Metadata

«Ecosystem perspective»

  • Actions
  • Actors
  • Attributes
  • Metadata
  • … More?
comment: # (     data-auto-animate)
![Supply chain](media/metadata-sources.png)

Metadata Actions

  • 🟥 Create
  • 🟨 Contribute
  • 🟩 Distribute
  • 🟦 Verify
  • 🟪 Censor
![Supply chain](media/metadata-sources.png)

Metadata Actors

* 🟦 Analyst * 🟨🟦 Assembler * 🟦 Auditor * 🟦 Authenticator * 🟥 Author * 🟨🟦 Builder * 🟨 Contributor * 🟨 Curator * 🟨 Custodian * 🟨🟩 Deployer * 🟩 Depositary * 🟦 Distributor * 🟦 End-user * 🟦 Importer * 🟥🟨🟦 Integrator * 🟥🟨 Maintainer * 🟥 Manufacturer * 🟦 Distributor * 🟦 Importer * 🟥🟨🟩🟦 OSS Steward * 🟥 Owner * 🟨🟦 Packager * 🟨 Patcher * 🟩 Publisher * 🟩🟪 Censor * …
comment: # (     data-auto-animate)
![Supply chain](media/metadata-sources.png)

Metadata Actors

* 🟥 Author * 🟥🟨 Maintainer * 🟨 Custodian * 🟨 Contributor * 🟨🟦 Builder * 🟨 Curator * 🟥🟨🟦 OSS Steward * 🟨 Patcher * 🟨🟦 Packager * 🟨🟦 Assembler * 🟥🟨🟦 Integrator * 🟨🟩 Deployer * 🟩🟪 Censor
comment: # (     data-auto-animate)
![Supply chain](media/metadata-sources.png)

Metadata Actors

* 🟥 Author * 🟥🟨 Maintainer * 🟨 Custodian * 🟨 Contributor * 🟨🟦 Builder * 🟨 Curator * 🟥🟨🟦 OSS Steward * 🟨 Patcher * 🟨🟦 Packager * 🟨🟦 Assembler * 🟥🟨🟦 Integrator * 🟨🟩 Deployer * 🟩🟪 Censor

These are the sources of the Required Metadata

![Supply chain](media/metadata-sources.png)

Metadata Attributes

comment: # (     data-auto-animate)
![Supply chain](media/metadata-sources.png)

Metadata Attributes

SBOM Metadata

* **SBOM Author** * **SBOM Creation Time-stamp** * **SBOM Format** * **SBOM Generation Tool** * **SBOM Location** * **SBOM Primary Component** * **SBOM Release** * **SBOM Serial Number** * **SBOM Type**
comment: # (     data-auto-animate)
![Supply chain](media/metadata-sources.png)

Metadata Attributes

NTIA Minimum Elements

* **Dependencies** * **Primary Component Name** * SBOM Author * SBOM Creation Time-stamp * SBOM Format * SBOM Generation Tool * SBOM Location * SBOM Primary Component * SBOM Release * SBOM Serial Number * SBOM Type * **Supplier Name** * **Unique Product Identifier**
comment: # (     data-auto-animate)
![Supply chain](media/metadata-sources.png)

Metadata Attributes

CISA Framing

* **Copyright Notice** * **Cryptographic Hash** * Dependencies * **Dependency Relationships** * **License(s)** * Primary Component Name * **SBOM Author** * **SBOM Creation Time-stamp** * SBOM Format * SBOM Generation Tool * SBOM Location * SBOM Primary Component * SBOM Release * SBOM Serial Number * **SBOM Type** * Supplier Name * Unique Product Identifier * **Version** [comment]: # (||| data-auto-animate)
![Supply chain](media/metadata-sources.png)
## Metadata Attributes ### EU CRA
* **CE Authorised Representative** * **CE Conformity Assessment Body** * **CE Declaration of Conformity** * **CE Support End Date** * **CE Technical Documentation** * Copyright Notice * Cryptographic Hash * Dependencies * Dependency Relationships * **Intended for Commercial Use** * License(s) * **Open Source Software Steward** * Primary Component Name * **Purpose, Intended Use** * SBOM Author * SBOM Creation Time-stamp * SBOM Format * SBOM Generation Tool * SBOM Location * SBOM Primary Component * SBOM Release * SBOM Serial Number * SBOM Type * **Security Attestation** * **Security contact** * Supplier Name * Unique Product Identifier * Version
[comment]: # (||| data-auto-animate)
![Supply chain](media/metadata-sources.png)
[TR-03183]: 'TR-03183 Cyber Resilience Requirements for Manufacturers and Products, Part 2' ## Metadata Attributes ### BSI [TR-03183] 2.0
* **Archive Property** * CE Authorised Representative * CE Conformity Assessment Body * CE Declaration of Conformity * CE Support End Date * CE Technical Documentation * Copyright Notice * Cryptographic Hash * Dependencies * Dependency Relationships * **Executable Property** * Intended for Commercial Use * License(s) * Open Source Software Steward * Primary Component Name * Purpose, Intended Use * SBOM Author * SBOM Creation Time-stamp * SBOM Format * SBOM Generation Tool * SBOM Location * SBOM Primary Component * SBOM Release * SBOM Serial Number * SBOM Type * Security Attestation * Security contact * **Structured Property** * Supplier Name * Unique Product Identifier * Version
Note: * Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik * Technical Guideline TR-03183: Cyber Resilience Requirements for Manufacturers and Products [comment]: # (||| data-auto-animate)
![Supply chain](media/metadata-sources.png)
[CSCRF]: 'Cybersecurity and Cyber Resilience Framework (CSCRF) for SEBI Regulated Entities (REs), (GV.SC.S5, page 89), Securities and Exchange Board of India' ## Metadata Attributes ### SEBI [CSCRF]
* **Access control** * Archive Property * CE Authorised Representative * CE Conformity Assessment Body * CE Declaration of Conformity * CE Support End Date * CE Technical Documentation * Copyright Notice * Cryptographic Hash * **Dependencies (Known unknowns)** * Dependencies * Dependency Relationships * **Encryption used** * Executable Property * **Frequency of updates** * Intended for Commercial Use * License(s) * **Methods for accommodating errors** * Open Source Software Steward * Primary Component Name * Purpose, Intended Use * SBOM Author * SBOM Creation Time-stamp * SBOM Format * SBOM Generation Tool * SBOM Location * SBOM Primary Component * SBOM Release * SBOM Serial Number * SBOM Type * Security Attestation * Security contact * Structured Property * Supplier Name * Unique Product Identifier * Version
notes: * Securities and Exchange Board of India * Cybersecurity and Cyber Resilience Framework (CSCRF) for SEBI Regulated Entities (REs) [comment]: # (!!! data-auto-animate)
![Supply chain](media/metadata-sources.png)
## (Ecosystem response)
* Ecosystems **are Open Source** * Tooling * Services * Specs * Open Source Constraints * Break nothing * Preserve compatibility * No-fuzz upgrades * Information & outreach * As volunteers! * **Contribution = life-blood**

### _Well volunteered!_ [comment]: # (||| data-auto-animate)
![Supply chain](media/metadata-sources.png)
## (Ecosystem response) ### _Well volunteered!_
* Access control * Archive Property * CE Authorised Representative * CE Conformity Assessment Body * CE Declaration of Conformity * CE Support End Date * CE Technical Documentation * Copyright Notice * Cryptographic Hash * Dependencies (Known unknowns) * **Dependencies** * **Dependency Relationships** * Encryption used * Executable Property * Frequency of updates * Intended for Commercial Use * **License(s)** * Methods for accommodating errors * Open Source Software Steward * **Primary Component Name** * **Purpose, Intended Use** * SBOM Author * SBOM Creation Time-stamp * SBOM Format * SBOM Generation Tool * SBOM Location * SBOM Primary Component * SBOM Release * SBOM Serial Number * SBOM Type * Security Attestation * Security contact * Structured Property * **Supplier Name** * Unique Product Identifier * **Version**
[comment]: # (||| data-auto-animate)
![Supply chain](media/metadata-sources.png)
## (Ecosystem response) ### _Well volunteered!_ Who? * Ecosystem people * Standards people * Regulators 🆕 [comment]: # (||| data-auto-animate)
![Supply chain](media/metadata-sources.png)
## (Ecosystem response) ### _Well volunteered!_ Who? * Ecosystem people * Standards people * Regulators 🆕

**"Where do SBOM attributes come from?"** [comment]: # (!!! data-auto-animate) ## A quick Attribute Poll [comment]: # (||| data-auto-animate) [TR-03183]: 'TR-03183 Cyber Resilience Requirements for Manufacturers and Products, Part 2' ### Component Attributes
[TR-03183]: 'TR-03183 Cyber Resilience Requirements for Manufacturers and Products, Part 2' [NTIA-SBOM]: 'NTIA Minimum Elements for a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM)' [CISA-2023-4]: 'CISA Types of Software Bill of Materials (SBOM)' [CISA-2024-10]: 'CISA Framing Software Component Transparency: Establishing a Common Software Bill of Materials (SBOM)' [CRA-II]: 'Information and Instructions to the User' [CRA-AV]: 'EU Declaration of Conformity' [CSCRF]: 'Cybersecurity and Cyber Resilience Framework (CSCRF) for SEBI Regulated Entities (REs), (GV.SC.S5, page 89), Securities and Exchange Board of India' | Attribute name | Required | References | | :---------------------------------- | :------: | ----------------------------------------------------: | | Primary Component Name | Yes | [NTIA-SBOM], [CISA-2024-10], [CRA-AV], [TR-03183] | | Version | Yes | CISA-2024-10, CRA-AV, TR-03183 | | Purpose, Intended Use | Yes | [CRA-AII]\(4) | | Supplier Name | Yes | CRA-AII(1), CRA-AV, NTIA-SBOM, CISA-2024-10, TR-03183 | | Security contact | Yes | CRA-AII(2) | | Copyright Notice | Yes | CISA-2024-10 | | License(s) | Yes | CISA-2024-10, TR-03183, [CSCRF] |
Note: [comment]: # (|||) ### Dependency Attributes
[TR-03183]: 'TR-03183 Cyber Resiliencee Requirements for Manufacturers and Products, Part 2' [NTIA-SBOM]: 'NTIA Minimum Elements for a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM)' [CISA-2023-4]: 'CISA Types of Software Bill of Materials (SBOM)' [CISA-2024-10]: 'CISA Framing Software Component Transparency: Establishing a Common Software Bill of Materials (SBOM)' [CRA-AII]: 'Information and Instructions to the User' [CRA-AV]: 'EU Declaration of Conformity' [CSCRF]: 'Cybersecurity and Cyber Resilience Framework (CSCRF) for SEBI Regulated Entities (REs), (GV.SC.S5, page 89), Securities and Exchange Board of India' | Attribute name | Required | References | | :---------------------------------- | :------: | -----------------------------------------------------: | | Unique Product ID | Yes | [CRA-AII]\(3), [CRA-AV], [NTIA-SBOM], [CISA-2024-10] | | Cryptographic Hash | Yes | CISA-2024-10, [TR-03183], [CSCRF] | | Primary Component Filename | Yes | TR-03183 | | Dependencies | Yes | CRA-AII(5), NTIA-SBOM, CISA-2024-10, TR-03183, CSCRF | | Dependency Relationships | Yes | CISA-2024-10 |
Note: [comment]: # (|||) ### SBOM Attributes
[TR-03183]: 'TR-03183 Cyber Resilience Requirements for Manufacturers and Products, Part 2' [NTIA-SBOM]: 'NTIA Minimum Elements for a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM)' [CISA-2023-4]: 'CISA Types of Software Bill of Materials (SBOM)' [CISA-2024-10]: 'CISA Framing Software Component Transparency: Establishing a Common Software Bill of Materials (SBOM)' [CRA-AII]: 'Information and Instructions to the User' | Attribute name | Required | References | | :---------------------------------- | :------: | -----------------------------------------: | | SBOM Author | Yes | [NTIA-SBOM], [CISA-2024-10], [TR-03183] | | SBOM Creation Time-stamp | Yes | NTIA-SBOM, CISA-2024-10, TR-03183 | | SBOM Format | Yes | CycloneDX 1.6, SPDX 2.3 | | SBOM Generation Tool | No | | | SBOM Location | Yes | [CRA-AII]\(9), TR-03183 | | SBOM Primary Component | No | CycloneDX 1.6, SPDX 3.0 | | SBOM Release | Yes | CycloneDX 1.6, SPDX 2.3 | | SBOM Serial Number | Yes | CycloneDX 1.6 SPDX 2.3 | | SBOM Type | No | [CISA-2023-4], CISA-2024-10 |
Note: [comment]: # (|||) ### Open Source Steward Attributes
[CRA-Rec-15]: 'CRA applies to economic operators that have an intention to monetise a product' [CRA-Rec-18]: 'Open Source Software Contributors' [CRA-Rec-19]: 'Open Source Software Stewards, light-touch regulatory regime, and CE mark implications' [CRA-Rec-21]: 'Voluntary security attestation programs for Open Source projects' | Attribute name | Required | References | | :---------------------------------- | :------: | -----------------------------------------: | | Intended for Commercial Use | No | [CRA-Rec-15], [CRA-Rec-18] | | Open Source Software Steward | No | [CRA-Rec-19] | | Security Attestation | No | [CRA-Rec-21] |
Note: [comment]: # (|||) ### Manufacturer Attributes
[CRA-Art-18]: 'Authorised representatives' [CRA-Art-47]: 'Operational obligations of notified bodies' [CRA-AII]: 'Information and Instructions to the User' [CRA-AV]: 'EU Declaration of Conformity' | Attribute name | Required | References | | :---------------------------------- | :------: | -----------------------------------------: | | CE Conformity Assessment Body | No | [CRA-Art-47]\(1), [CRA-AV] | | CE Declaration of Conformity | No | [CRA-AII]\(6), CRA-AV | | CE Support End Date | No | CRA-AII(7) | | CE Technical Documentation | No | CRA-AII(8) | | CE Authorized Representative | No | [CRA-Art-18] |
Note: * What's needed for components that are monetized? * Maintainer becomes a Manufacturer * Does the Manufacturer have a Authorised representative? * This needs also to be supported [comment]: # (|||) ### Special Attributes for Integrators in Germany
[TR-03183]: 'TR-03183 Cyber Resilience Requirements for Manufacturers and Products, Part 2' | Attribute name | Required | References | | :---------------------------------- | :------: | -----------------------------------------: | | Executable Property | Yes | [TR-03183] | | Archive Property | Yes | TR-03183 | | Structured Property | Yes | TR-03183 |
[comment]: # (|||) ### Special Attributes for Integrators in the Indian Financial Sector
[CSCRF]: 'Cybersecurity and Cyber Resilience Framework (CSCRF) for SEBI Regulated Entities (REs), (GV.SC.S5, page 89), Securities and Exchange Board of India' | Attribute name | Required | References | | :---------------------------------- | :------: | -----------------------------------------: | | Dependencies (Known unknowns) | Yes | [CSCRF] | | Encryption used | Yes | CSCRF | | Frequency of updates | Yes | CSCRF | | Access control | Yes | CSCRF | | Methods for accommodating errors | Yes | CSCRF |
[comment]: # (|||) ### (Optional Attributes)
| Attribute name | Required | References | | :---------------------------------- | :------: | -----------------------------------------: | | Download location | No | | | Code Commit Revision | No | | | Code Repository | No | |
Note: [comment]: # (!!! data-auto-animate)
![Supply chain](media/metadata-sources.png)
## Dear Regulators
Note: * Not just BSI or the Securities and Exchange Board of India [comment]: # (||| data-auto-animate)
![Supply chain](media/metadata-sources.png)
## Dear Regulators
### Welcome to the Open Source Communities! * We're many * We're _everywhere_ * We support _everyone_ * We don't _work for free_ * We _volunteer_ note: [comment]: # (||| data-auto-animate)
![Supply chain](media/metadata-sources.png)
## Dear Regulators ### Your contributions _are welcome_ * But not all of them * — Only the useful ones! * Do like NIST and CISA * — Only require the minimum! [comment]: # (||| data-auto-animate)
![Supply chain](media/metadata-sources.png)
## Dear Regulators ### Your contributions _are welcome_ * But not all of them * — Only the useful ones! * Do like NIST and CISA * — Only require the minimum!

### Well volunteered! [comment]: # (!!! data-auto-animate) ## Questions & Comments [comment]: # (!!!) ## References
* (CISA-2023-4) [CISA Types of Software Bill of Materials (SBOM)](, published 2023-04-21 * (CISA-2024-10) [CISA Framing Software Component Transparency: Establishing a Common Software Bill of Materials (SBOM)](, Third edition, sections, 2.2.2 and Appendix B; Published 2024-10-15 * (CRA-AII) [Cyber Resilience Act, Annex II]( Information and Instructions to the User * (CRA-AV) [Cyber Resilience Act, Annex V]( EU Declaration of Conformity * (CRA-AVII) [Cyber Resilience Act, Annex VII]( Contents of the Technical Documentation * (CRA-Art-18) [Cyber Resilience Act, Article 18]( Obligations of Authorized Representatives * (CRA-Art-47) [Cyber Resilience Act, Article 47]( Operational obligations of notified bodies * (CRA-Rec-15) [Cyber Resilience Act, Recital 15]( Economic operators * (CRA-Rec-18) [Cyber Resilience Act, Recital 18]( Open Source Software Contributors * (CRA-Rec-19) [Cyber Resilience Act, Recital 19]( Open Source Software Stewards * (CRA-Rec-21) [Cyber Resilience Act, Recital 21]( Open Source Security Attestation * (CSCRF) [Cybersecurity and Cyber Resilience Framework (CSCRF) for SEBI Regulated Entities (REs)](, (GV.SC.S5, page 89), Securities and Exchange Board of India, Published 2024-08-20 * (TR-03183) German Technical Requirement [TR-03183 Cyber Resilience Requirements for Manufacturers and Products](, Part 2: Software Bill of Materials (SBOM), Version 2.0.0, published 2024-09-20 * (NTIA-SBOM) [NTIA Minimum Elements for a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM)](, Published 2021-07-12
[comment]: # (!!!) # Thanks! Salve J. Nilsen 🐘 Mastodon — @sjn\ 🦆🦆