CPANSec bi-weekly minutes
- Agenda & Meeting Details 2025-03-12
- 16:30 UTC -Â Pre-meeting socializing
- 17:00 UTC - Meeting start
- Welcome
- Special: How the new meeting agenda/minutes format works
- Agenda
- Any Other Business
- Operating changes
- Next meeting date, time and location
- 18:10 UTC - Meeting end
- 18:10 UTC - End
Agenda & Meeting Details 2025-03-12
- 2025-03-12 17:00 UTC on #cpansec-discussion on Matrix
16:30 UTC -Â Pre-meeting socializing
- Socializing & getting up to speed before the meeting starts properly
- Discuss organizing projects, swimlanes and issues (…)
- Check and resolve technical (A/V) issues before the meeting starts
- Come as you are!
17:00 UTC - Meeting start
- Meeting chair: @timlegge
- Meeting scribe: @sjn, @tux
Attendees, absents & regrets
- Attendees
- @sjn, @tux, @thibaultduponcelle, @stigtsp, @timlegge, @atoomic
- Regrets
- @leont
Approve previous meeting minutes
- Previous meeting minutes was approved by @thibaultduponchelle and @timlegge, and merged by @sjn
Special: How the new meeting agenda/minutes format works
- @sjn - Introduces the new format for the agenda/minutes document
- @sjn - added the detailed format to
- TL;DR is below
- When an item (task, topic or event) is done, discussed or attended: Summarize and check the box
- When an item needs to be done/discussed/attended, add @names and notes, and leave box unchecked
- When writing minutes from an agenda, let items, summaries and notes with checked boxes remain
- When creating an agenda from the previous minutes, remove items, summaries and notes with checked boxes
- Sub-items without checkboxes are summaries or notes to the previous item
- Items without checkboxes or @names are for information or finding volunteers
- Create tickets items are around for too long, or no-one volunteers
Metadata & Software Bills of Materials
CPAN::Meta::Spec, Requirements and PURLs
- @sjn - started on writing an overview of issues to be resolved before PTS
- @sjn - picking up CPAN::Meta::Spec after FOSDEM
- @sjn - need to push GDT’s PURL update to it’s spec
SBOM/Supply Chain
- @tux - we need tools for working with SBOMs. correct SBOMs.
- @sjn - @gdt has written some modules for generating CycloneDX 1.6 documents from CPAN Metadata: SBOM::CycloneDX and App::CPAN::SBOM
- @sjn and @tux will check them out and comment on usability
- @thibaultduponcelle - wants some feedback on his starjacking text (good enough to merge or drop?)
- @sjn and @thibaultduponcelle - chat about this (set up meeting)
- Had a quick chat. The starjacking study seemed good to @sjn; Let’s add it.
- @thibaultduponcelle adds the starjacking study to the website repo
- @sjn and @thibaultduponchelle will improve the docs, including professionalizing the format/layout
- @sjn and @thibaultduponcelle - chat about this (set up meeting)
CycloneDX 1.7 Sustainability fields
- @sjn - starting soon on the final stretch - project- & ecosystem-supplied status fields.
- @sjn - Support indicator discussion ongoing with the Common Lifecycle Enumeration folks
- @sjn - Discussion about how to communicate Ecosystem or other Force Majeure events
Compliance, Guidance & Privacy
CPAN Author’s Security Policy Guidelines
- @stigtsp - Minimal (TLDR) version of policy wanted
- @tux - Team document template wanted; Help needed
- @timlegge has started on something; happy to discuss with @tux; PR in the works
- @sjn - Alternative documents needed for non-Europeans (requested by jnap)
- @sjn can help with a CRA perspective
Security Outreach & Information
- @sjn - look at the next events for opportunities
Perl Toolchain Summit 2025
- @sjn - Create document on what CPANSec-relevant issues need to be decided on/discussed at PTS
- Everyone, please add tasks!
CNA & Vulnerability Index
CNA Organization
- @stigtsp, @timlegge - Presentation of CNA work so far
- Discussions with other OSS CNAs last friday
- Good discussion
- Board update on CNAs
- Discussion of CVE quality
- Discussion of CVSS - almost always wrong
- EOL is a challenge
- Common Tooling would be good
- Concerns about CVSS: we decided not to add CVSS to our CVEs for most cases
- Discussion on changing CNA root from MITRE to RedHat
- Voted on changing CNA of last resort: Unanimous in favor of moving to Red Hat
- Demo of processes we have in place so far
- We need more help from others in the triage group:
- @timlegge, @stigtsp - Analysing vulnerabilities
- @timlegge, @stigtsp - Integrating CVE process more with triage
- Discussions with other OSS CNAs last friday
Governance, Policy & Funding
Funding drive
- @sjn - who is open (or willing to commit) to do funded work? (e.g. X days per week)
- @stigtsp 1d/w
- @leont (? - please contact @sjn)
- @garu (? - please contact @sjn)
- Others? (contact @sjn!)
- @sjn - Explore options with Ovid’s company
Eclipse ORC WG
CPAN Steward org
- @sjn - Discussions on TPRF slack #cpansec-steward; Mostly @sjn making noise;
- @sjn - Contributors who care about governance needed
- @sjn has been asked by BSI and FSFE to help with perspectives and questions for a questionnaire.
- @sjn - first round of feedback submitted; second round started, deadline ultimo March
- @sjn - Organize some discussions around the second round of feedback to BSI/FSFE, in #cpansec-steward
CRA Standardization on Vulnerability handling
- @sjn - The EU Commission has tasked CEN/CENELEC & ETSI with standardization around 41 different activities related to the Cyber Resilience Act. One of these is related to Vulnerability handling
- I think we’d do well to try to contribute to especially this process, to ensure that the coming standards and guidelines for handling vulnerabilities are well-aligned with our (Open Source Ecosystems) particular needs.
- Volunteers needed! @sjn has too much to do, and this is important and may shape our workload for many years, depending on what we do (or don’t do).
- @stigtsp can join for a meeting, and take it from there
- @all - Watch the CEN/CENELEC introduction webinar on this matter (Duration: 1h 20min; Slides etc.)
PTS Funding
- @sjn - BooK has asked for help raising funds.
- @sjn - Pad for ongoing work:
- Volunteers needed
Secure by Default
- @leont - share ongoings & blockers
Ongoing vulnerabilities
- @timlegge - @robrwo working on RNG-related ongoing issues; CVE’s to be registered by CPANSec CNA when it’s active
- Work is tracked in the CNA/CVE non-public repo
- @timlegge - Crypt::Bcrypt issues around password length
Provenance & Supply Chain Security
- (Volunteers/tuits/funding needed - this topic is available for adoption!)
Security Patch Tooling
- (Volunteers/tuits/funding needed - this topic is available for adoption!)
- Possible candidates: @atoomic, @thibaultduponchelle
Software Composition Analysis
- (Volunteers/tuits/funding needed - this topic is available for adoption!)
Transparency Logs
- (Volunteers/tuits/funding needed - this topic is available for adoption!)
Any Other Business
- @stigtsp - CVE portal setup report
- @stigtsp - domain name; we’re using branding, but also own the domain. What to do with this? @stigtsp reports
- @stigtsp - Can someone look at the cpansa-feed, it’s broken for a while now :-(
- Volunteers needed! This is important.
Upcoming events and deadlines
- (Sweden) FOSS North - Monday 2025-04-14 … Tuesday 2025-04-15 in Gothenburg, Sweden
- @sjn participates
- (Germany) PTS 2025 - Thursday 2025-05-01 … Sunday 2025-05-04 in Leipzig, Germany
- @tux, @stigtsp, @leont, @garu ?, @sjn, @thibaultduponcelle, @timlegge are going
- (Germany) German Perl Workshop 2025 - Monday 2025-05-12 … Wednesday 2025-05-14 in Munich, Germany. (CfP is open)
- @sjn is going, submitted a talk
- (Norway) Internet Governance Forum 2025 - Monday 2025-06-23 … Saturday 2025-06-28 in Lillestrøm, Norway; (Call for Sessions)
- @sjn may be going (TBD)
- (USA) TPRC 2025 - Friday 2025-06-27 … Sunday 2025-06-29 in Greenville, SC, USA (CfP is open; Deadline: 2025-03-15)
- (Norway) Sikkerhetfesivalen 2025 - Monday 2025-08-25 … Wednesday 2025-08-27 in Lillehammer, Norway. (CfP is open)
- Deadline passed; @sjn not likely to participate
- (Croatia) EuroBSDCon 2025 - Thursday 2025-09-25 … Sunday 2025-09-28 in Zagreb, Croatia; (CfP is open; Deadline: 2025-06-21)
- (Belgium) OpenSSF EU Policy Summit - 2025-10-30, in Ghent, Belgium;
- (World) CPAN 30 year anniversary - Sunday 2025-10-26
Operating changes
- @sjn - Since is dead, we have a new CPANSec meeting calendar on Google. This calendar is public! Reach out to @sjn to have him update it. He’ll do that until we find a suitable shared solution.
- @sjn - investigates alternatives
- @sjn - Cryptpad investigated, and not usable for calendar stuff. New calendar URL set up directly in google calendar by @sjn, and added to the meetings page.
- @sjn - New Mastodon account created on - please subscribe!
- @sjn - Create a list of common/shared CPANSec resources & contact points/people to a private repo on Github.
- @sjn - Done; Please check it out (look for it on Github), and help keep it correct and up-to-date!
Next meeting date, time and location
- Next meeting is Wednesday 2025-03-26 @ 17:00UTC in #cpansec-discussion on Matrix (17:00 Europe/Amsterdam)