Meeting details

  • 2024-11-15 16:08 UTC on #cpansec-discussion on Matrix

15:30 UTC – Pre-meeting socializing

  • Socializing & getting up to speed before the meeting starts properly
  • Discuss organizing projects, swimlanes and issues (…)

16:00 UTC – Meeting start


  • @thibaultduponchelle joined :)
  • Meeting chair: @timlegge
  • Meeting secretary: @sjn & @tux

Attendees, absents & regrets

  • Attendees
    • @sjn, @stigtsp, @tux, @thibaultduponchelle, @timlegge
  • Regrets
    • @robrwo

Approve previous meeting minutes

  • Previous meeting minutes was approved by @sjn, @timlegge, @tux, @garu

Quick summary of current work (Grouped by project)

  1. CPAN Metadata & Software Bills of Materials
    • stalled
  2. CPAN Privacy and Compliance
    • stalled
  3. CPAN Provenance & Supply Chain Security
    • nothing to do
  4. CPAN Security Outreach & Information
    • @stigtsp took over the active ticket
    • @tux will write some introduction to the use/need of Test::CVE, @timlegge will review
  5. CPAN Security Patch Tooling
    • @sjn - using distroprefs as a model for this has come up recently. shall we move forward?
    • @thibaultduponchelle will look into distroprefs support for cpanm and friends
  6. CPAN Software Composition Analysis
    • @thibaultduponchelle takes one of the tickets
  7. CPAN Transparency Logs
  8. CPAN Vulnerability Index
  9. CPANSec Governance, Policy & Funding


  • @robrwo, @stigtsp - CSPRNG and DSA should be in-scope (they suggest and hope)
  • @timlegge - @leont has had progress
    • @leont and @timlegge met with PSC
    • Current proposal is to
      • Create a new wrapper module in core
      • Add cleaned up fork of Net::SSLeay and IO::Socket::SSL core modules
    • @leont published a new module: Crypt::Bear
  • @stigtsp - how are we handling the CA cert package in core?
    • @timlegge - Current plan is to use the system CA store (with override possible)
  • @thibaultduponchelle - some work ongoing RNG in CORE; much discussion;
    • Discussion also twirls around how secure the RNG is w.r.t the usage environment (gaming, encryption, …)

German Sovereign Tech fund

  • @sjn - no work done; no response re: @garu’s application

Ongoing vulnerabilities

  • @stigtsp - Critical PAUSE vuln fixed quickly by andk
  • @stigtsp - No movement around Mojo’s secure token/secrets issues; Volunteers needed
  • @stigtsp - One more vuln known, needs a volunteer; @timlegge may take a look

Secure by Default

  • @stigtsp - HTTP::Tiny 0.090 merged into Perl CORE, using system cacerts instead of Mozilla::CA

CPAN Author’s Security Policy Template/Guidelines

  • @robrwo - working on initial draft

Eclipse ORC WG

  • @sjn - Nothing to report
  • @sjn - NIS2 implementing act hearing ongoing; @sjn is contributing

Perl Toolchain Summit 2025

  • Date still is not set. Negotiations are still ongoing

CycloneDX 1.7 Sustainability fields

  • @sjn - ongoing; currently working on a taxonomy of non-funding support

CPAN Meta Requirements and PURLs

  • @sjn - recent work has been in preparation of an update on this

POSIX::2008 vulnerabilities

  • No news.

SBOM/Supply Chain

  • @sjn - minor tweaks; working on connecting fields with metadata sources

CNA Update

  • @timlegge - New mailing lists infrastructure set up via “”
  • @stigtsp - three volunteers; courses with Mitre upcoming; good progress in preparations.


  • New members! Thibault Duponchelle (tib, @thibaultduponchelle) and Robert Rothenberg (rrwo, @robrwo)


  • Working again


  • Discussion about a matrix of security-related items for CPAN releases

Upcoming events and deadlines

  1. Norwegian Unix Users Group, Monthly meeting 2024-11-12, Oslo, Norway - @sjn gave a talk (in Norwegian). Slides and link to video published
  2. FOSDEM Fringe 2025 - Friday January 31st, Brussels
  3. FOSDEM 2025 - February 1-2, Brussels - three relevant devrooms!
  4. PTS 2025 - Most likely date: first week of May

Operating changes

  • (none)

Next meeting date, time and location

  • Next meeting is Wednesday 2024-11-27 @ 17:00UTC in #cpansec-discussion on Matrix (18:00 Europe/Amsterdam)

17:20 UTC – Meeting end

17:20 UTC – End