Testing vulnerabilities
One of the first questions that are asked is “why should I test?”, which is impossible to answer without the question “what should be tested?”.
With the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA), it is important to realize that those who release a product for (re)sale, are responsible for adding documentation about possible vulnerabilities in their work in the release as well as for the software that is included from third parties or the software it runs on.
With that in mind, those who create the release should know about possible CVEs and other vulnerabilities before doing the release.
With worldwide available resources that store information about known CVEs and the versions to which those vulnerabilities apply, it is possible to check if those weaknesses might apply to this release.
An example
Consider a new Perl module that you want to release to CPAN that implements the API to a Xyzzy database. That will likely be DBD::Zyzzy, requiring (at least) DBI and libxyzzy.so
If your new interface requires DBI version 1.00 because the API uses
(added in 1.00 on 1998-08-14), you have to tell the
build infrastructure to fail if DBI is not installed, or if, the installed
version of DBI is less than 1.00. This can be done in Makefile.PL
, Build.PL
or cpanfile
, by adding a “require” rule.
Feature-wise, that will do. However, the fact that critical vulnerabilities that were fixed in DBI after version 1.00, are now completely ignored by the release being prepared. When DBD::Xyzzy is installed on a system that has DBI-1.00 installed it is now inherently vulnerable to all unfixed issues.
If CVE resources had been checked, a better option would have been to require
version 1.643 even if the API itself does not require this version for its
features. If 1.00 is required, CVE-2020-14393
, CVE-2020-14392
, CPANSA-DBI-2014-01
, CVE-2014-10402
, CVE-2014-10401
, and CVE-2013-7490
would all be open for attackers.
This process may explode if the release requires Foo, which requires Bar and Baz, requiring Fooble and optionally Grumble::DE and so on and so on.
Likely the release depends on more than just a single module or library, and knowing about every single fixed or open CVE should be a guide towards a much safer release where “No known CVEs at time of distribution” is a welcome addition to the release notes!
What can be tested
One can only test what is declared in the software of the release itself or its direct and indirect dependencies. If some other software is fetched at runtime from an unknown source, there is no control over which version is fetched and/or the trustworthiness of that software.
The CPANSec group tries to make a toolset available that analyses a current release folder, digging through known locations of declarations of requirements and checking these against known vulnerability resources.
Enter Test::CVE
Test::CVE can be integrated into your test suite to alert you of vulnerabilities during the test phase. Test::CVE looks at the current release directory and checks each included CPAN module for known vulnerabilities.
The intent of that information is to allow you to specify the minimum version of each CPAN dependencies to be a version with no known vulnerabilities.
In the same manner that you would specify a module version with a required feature, you would specify a known secure version.
Your code might be safe, but if it depends on other things that you do not have direct control over, your release might be vulnerable. Adding a test to check for known vulnerabilities in your dependencies allows you to fix security vulnerabilities by requiring fixed versions.